11. Landscape, Heritage and Green Infrastructure
• Areas of Special Protection - to be protected and enhanced.
• River and its banks protected with a green / fenced off corridor either side of the River.
• Proposed that all spraying of chemicals to be banned by Kilkenny Council (in line with Dublin City Council).
• Biodiversity/Pollinator sites to be increased & protected.
• No trees to be cut down or green areas lost without consulting local community.
• Heritage:
Existing stock restored/reused
Sessions House - re-use as Community facility
Castles requiring protection/attention :
Grennan Castle - Requires protection from animal grazing/public access with protective fencing
Sweetman’s Castle - derelict unprotected
Dysart Castle - threatened
All existing stone walls and structures to be protected from new development.
Integrity of the Normal Walled layout to be protected