Observation on the Draft Callan Local Area Plan, 2019-2025.
Subject: Zoning in Bolton (Map Attached)
From: Michael F. Funchion
Date: 10 December 2018
Under the Draft Plan, about 3.9 hectares of my land currently zoned Phase 2 and about 4.3 hectares of my land currently zoned industrial would all be re-zoned agricultural. Also, under the Draft Plan, about 3.7 hectares Candida bought from me for industrial development would be rezoned from industrial to agricultural and virtually all of it would be left outside the plan boundary.
I wish to the make the following observation on the proposed zoning changes. Although the Draft Plan has eliminated the zoning category of Phase 2, I think that since one of the long-term objectives included in the plan is “to make a road connection between the Windgap road and Mill Street” (p. 62), and since the road would have to go through my lands that are currently zoned Phase 2 and industrial, there is some value in indicating in some fashion the potential of those lands for development in the future. Also, since Candida bought their land for industrial development, it seems counterproductive to rezone their land as agricultural.