zoning status of the area surrounding Rath Ullord, Bonnettsrath Road, New Orchard, Kilkenny
I have serious concerns over the proposed change to the zoning status of the area surrounding Rath Ullord, Bonnettsrath Road, New Orchard, Kilkenny
The proposed change to zoning here, as outlined in the draft development plan, is in complete contravention of the Council plans heretofore. Residents in the area have had their community substantially transformed from a rural status, only a few years ago, to a low-density status, which at least gave safeguards from excessive building in the area, to now possibly a more heavily high density status. That appears totally unfair in the context of that geographical environment. This is not to mind a total lack of facilities and amenities to support a possible explosion of the population to the locality.
I note Appendix B, Housing strategy, Section 6.5 states …important that private households are able to find a range of opportunities to express their lifestyle needs through housing within the City’s boundaries and town and villages and not only through one-off rural housing.
Also, for the families who have moved there, having made lifestyle choices and invested heavily in doing so, based on the Councils long term zoning decisions to date, i.e., low density. To radically alter that status would in effect disregard both the families that have lived here for generations and those who have moved to the area with the legitimate expectation that there are suitable safeguards in place for their lifestyle needs into the future.
The current development arrangements in and around the Rath Ullord, Bonnettsrath Road, New Orchard area are in line with the landscape of the locality, if not even a tad excessive, and any change in zoning status, increasing the density would be in total disregard to those living there. Lifestyle choices and needs have to be considered and balanced. To disregard the low-density status of the City’s plan at this stage would totally undermine the residents. That would be a substantial disconnect in balancing needs and expectations of the residents.
The families living in and around the Rath Ullord development made substantial investments to protect their lifestyle choices. These choices were made taking full cognisance of the Councils Housing strategy and have a legitimate expectation that those safeguards would not be radically altered.
I suggest the current status quo is fair in the circumstances and should not change for the foreseeable future.