I would like to object to the proposed change of zoning for Rath Ullord (currently under ongoing construction) from "Low Density Residential" to "Existing Residential". The previous Kilkenny City development plan designated this site as "Low Density Residential" and low density housing has now been constructed on approximately 50% of the site with further development of the site ongoing. The proposed change of zoning mid-development allows for a potential increase in density that would not be in character with the development completed to date. Given the location of Rath Ullord on the periphery of Kilkenny City, it is my opinion that the proposed change in zoning is not in accordance with the stated objectives of the draft development plan as follows:
◦ Section 6.5 of the Draft Plan (Housing Strategy) supports low density residential uses: 'Although not precluded but discourged from central areas, lower density three to four bedroom semi-detached and detached family homes are best suited towards the urban periphery...It is important that private households are able to find a range of opportunities to express their lifestyle needs through housing within the City's boundaries and town and villages and not only through one-off rural houses'.
◦ Section 13 of the Draft Plan strategic aim: 'to conserve and build upon positive elements in the built and natural environment, and to protect amenities'
◦ Section 13.3 – The Council seeks to: 'ensure that all new developents enrich the qulity of its surroundings which means encouraging a distinctive response which complements the setting...Creating a distinctive sense of place, taking into account site history and setting, is important.'
• Lands not suitable for higher residential density given the relative distance to the City Centre and lack of significant public transport investment.:
◦ There is no frequent public transport directly from Rath Ullórd to the City Centre which would be required to support a higher population density.
◦ Rath Ullórd remains outside the '10 minute' walkable City and is thus not suitable for high density of development.