Monday 10th of October 5pm-7pm Drop in - The purpose of the Information session is to provide an opportunity for the public to view the Draft Plan and speak with a member of the planning team to clarify and issues in advance of making submissions. All are welcome, no appointment is necessary.
Monday 17th October, 2022 7pm - 9pm Community meeting - A presentation will be given on the Plan at 7pm, which will be followed by a questions and answers session.
The timeline for inspection of the Masterplan and accompanying Environmental Documents and the deadline for submissions has now been extended andthe Draft Masterplan, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report, the Appropriate Assessment Report and the Flood Risk Assessment, may be inspected Friday 26th August 2022 – Friday 28th October 2022 (both dates inclusive) at the following locations:
On this site, view under Materials heading on right hand side
Planning Office, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny
Kilkenny City Library, John’s Quay, Kilkenny
St. Canice’s Neighbourhood Hall, 22-28 Butt's Green, Gardens, Kilkenny
Submissions or observations may be made:
online here by clicking Make a Submission or
by e-mail to or
in writing to: The A./Senior Planner, Planning Department, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on Kilkenny County Council’s consultation website during the plan-making period. Kilkenny County Council will treat all personal data provided as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of this Masterplan and in accordance with Kilkenny County Council’s Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection legislation.
Submissions or observations on the Draft Masterplan must be received by 5pm Friday, 28th October 2022. Please note late submissions will not be accepted.
Denis Malone
A/Director of Services
Kilkenny County Council
Invitation for Submissions on the Draft Masterplan for Loughmacask
Notice is hereby given that Kilkenny County Council has prepared a Draft Masterplan for the Loughmacask Area in Kilkenny City. As regards the Draft Masterplan, the Council has determined that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is required. It has also been determined that an Appropriate Assessment pursuant to Article 6 (3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC and the European Communities (Birds & Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 is required.
The Draft Masterplan, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report, the Appropriate Assessment Report and the Flood Risk Assessment, may be inspected from Friday 26th August 2022 – Friday 7th October 2022 (both dates inclusive) at the following locations:
On this site, view under Materials heading on right hand side
Planning Office, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny
The A./Senior Planner, Planning Department, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny
Submissions or observations received before 5pm on Friday 7th October, 2022 will be taken into consideration in deciding upon the Draft Masterplan. Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are invited to make submissions or observations in this regard submissions or observations in respect of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) report, Appropriate Assessment (AA) report and Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) may be made to the Planning Authority within the period specified will also be taken into consideration.
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on Kilkenny County Council’s consultation website during the plan-making period. Kilkenny County Council will treat all personal data provided as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of this Masterplan and in accordance with Kilkenny County Council’s Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection legislation.
Submissions or observations must be received by 3pm Friday, 7th October 2022.
Please note late submissions will not be accepted.
Two public consultation evenings will be held on the Draft Loughmacask Masterplan as follows;
Dicksboro GAA Clubhouse, Palmerstown Road, Kilkenny R95 D362 on Tuesday 6th September, 2022 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm; and
St. Canices Neighbourhood Hall, 22-28 Butt's Green, Gardens, Kilkenny, R95 X72Pon Monday 19th September, 2022 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
Individuals, groups, organisations and representatives are invited to attend the public engagement meetings and collectively feedback from these meetings along with submissions received will shape the final plan.
Draft Loughmacask Masterplan, Kilkenny city
Primary tabs
Draft Masterplan for Loughmacask
Updated 3rd October 2022
Additional Public Information Sessions and extension of submission deadline
The Draft Masterplan for Loughmacask is currently on public display. A further public information session and a community meeting for the Masterplan will be held in St. Canice’s Neighbourhood Hall, 22-28 Butt's Green, Kilkenny, R95 X72P as follows:
The timeline for inspection of the Masterplan and accompanying Environmental Documents and the deadline for submissions has now been extended and the Draft Masterplan, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report, the Appropriate Assessment Report and the Flood Risk Assessment, may be inspected Friday 26th August 2022 – Friday 28th October 2022 (both dates inclusive) at the following locations:
Submissions or observations may be made:
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on Kilkenny County Council’s consultation website during the plan-making period. Kilkenny County Council will treat all personal data provided as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of this Masterplan and in accordance with Kilkenny County Council’s Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection legislation.
Submissions or observations on the Draft Masterplan must be received by 5pm Friday, 28th October 2022. Please note late submissions will not be accepted.
Denis Malone
A/Director of Services
Kilkenny County Council
Invitation for Submissions on the Draft Masterplan for Loughmacask
Notice is hereby given that Kilkenny County Council has prepared a Draft Masterplan for the Loughmacask Area in Kilkenny City. As regards the Draft Masterplan, the Council has determined that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is required. It has also been determined that an Appropriate Assessment pursuant to Article 6 (3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC and the European Communities (Birds & Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 is required.
The Draft Masterplan, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report, the Appropriate Assessment Report and the Flood Risk Assessment, may be inspected from Friday 26th August 2022 – Friday 7th October 2022 (both dates inclusive) at the following locations:
Submissions or observations may be made:
In writing to:
The A./Senior Planner, Planning Department, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny
Submissions or observations received before 5pm on Friday 7th October, 2022 will be taken into consideration in deciding upon the Draft Masterplan. Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are invited to make submissions or observations in this regard submissions or observations in respect of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) report, Appropriate Assessment (AA) report and Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) may be made to the Planning Authority within the period specified will also be taken into consideration.
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on Kilkenny County Council’s consultation website during the plan-making period. Kilkenny County Council will treat all personal data provided as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of this Masterplan and in accordance with Kilkenny County Council’s Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection legislation.
Submissions or observations must be received by 3pm Friday, 7th October 2022.
Please note late submissions will not be accepted.
Two public consultation evenings will be held on the Draft Loughmacask Masterplan as follows;
Dicksboro GAA Clubhouse, Palmerstown Road, Kilkenny R95 D362 on Tuesday 6th September, 2022 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm; and
St. Canices Neighbourhood Hall, 22-28 Butt's Green, Gardens, Kilkenny, R95 X72P on Monday 19th September, 2022 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
Individuals, groups, organisations and representatives are invited to attend the public engagement meetings and collectively feedback from these meetings along with submissions received will shape the final plan.
Denis Malone
A./Director of Services
Planning Department
Kilkenny County Council