Redevelopment of Mayfair Ballroom, Irishtown, Kilkenny City

Dúnta14 Nol, 2014, 00:00 - 24 Aib, 2015, 01:00

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In accordance with Part 8, Article 81, of the above regulations, Kilkenny County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to renovate and extend the Mayfair Ballroom, Irishtown, Kilkenny (previously used by Diageo Ireland for canteen/staff/office purposes) The building is to be redeveloped for use as general office space and associated facilities.

The main features of the proposed development will include :

  • Demolition of the existing single and two storey extensions to the existing building
  • Provision of a new two storey ‘wraparound’ extension to the east, south and west facades of the existing building – walls to be clad in Limestone.
  • Existing northern façade to be externally insulated with a render finish.
  • Replacement of the existing roof with a standing seam metal roof.
  • Replacement of the existing windows with new double glazed windows in a powder coated aluminium frame.
  • Modifications to the internal layout of the building including the demolition of the existing partition walls to provide new office layout incl. facilities such as reception area, office space, canteen, toilets & internal lift.
  • Construction of a public urban square and new access to the building on the site of the existing public car park to the south west of the building.
  • Provision of temporary car park on a site accessed from Horse Barrack Lane.

The Mayfair building is located within the City Centre Architectural Conservation Area as set out in the Kilkenny City & Environs Development Plan 2014-2020. The Mayfair Building is adjacent to the Hightown City Wall, a Recorded Monument.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours for a further period from Friday 20th Feb. 2015 to Friday10th April 2015 inclusive, at the following Kilkenny County Council offices:

Kilkenny County Council, County Buildings, John St., Kilkenny City

from 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (Except Public Holidays)

Carnegie Library, Johns Quay, Kilkenny

from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 8pm Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm Thursdays and Fridays, and 10am to 1:30pm Saturdays (except Bank Holiday weekends).

Details of the proposed development can also be viewed at

Please note that the Appropriate Assessment Screening Report that was on public display for this project from 15th Dec 2014 to 20 th Feb 2015 has been superceded. All other documents that were on public display from 15th Dec 2014 to 20th Feb. 2015 remain unchanged and will continue on display for the extended public consultation period.

All Submissions/observations received in the period 15th December 2014 to 20th February 2015 will be considered in relation to the proposed development. Persons/Organisations that have made submissions to date will be contacted and advised of the updated notice .

Further submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and development of the area in which the development will be carried out, may be made in writing to the undersigned or sent to the following e-mail . The latest date for receipt of submissions on the development is Friday 24th April 2015. Submissions should be clearly marked “Mayfair Building – Planning Submission

You can also make submissions online on the Kilkenny County Council Consultation Portal

Mr Simon Walton, A/Director of Services,Kilkenny Co. Co., County Buildings,John St.,Kilkenny.