Alteration works to The Latrine, Butler Gallery, Evans’ Home, Johns Quay, Kilkenny

Dúnta15 Ean, 2021, 09:00 - 12 Fea, 2021, 17:00

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In accordance with the provisions of Part XI of the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended, and Part 8, Article 81, of Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, Kilkenny County Council gives notice of its intention to carry out the following:-

Alteration of former Latrine within the curtilage of protected structure Evans’ Alms house (RPS ref:B3). Works to include a new structure inserted within the existing walls and all related site development works and ancillary works at The Latrine, Butler Gallery, Evans’ Home, Johns Quay, Kilkenny.

The proposed alteration involves a careful and considerate approach to the reuse of the historic structure as an arts workshop for the Butler Gallery. The works proposed are minimum in intervention but necessary to allow the building to be utilised as a public workshop space. The alteration includes the removal of an asbestos roof, removal of existing concrete and earth floor, reduction to the buttress walls and insertion of a new lightweight timber structure within the
existing walls of the building.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy from Friday 15th January 2021 until Friday 12th February 2021 inclusive at Planning Department, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John St., Kilkenny City from 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and Bank Holidays) by appointment only. To make an appointment please contact: 056 7794010 or email: 

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development will be carried out, may be made online at, in writing to the Planning Section, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny or sent to the following e-mail address

The latest time and date for receipt of submissions on the development is 5.00pm on Friday 26th February 2021. Submissions should be clearly marked “The Latrine, Butler Gallery, Evans’ Home - Part 8” Tim Butler, Director of Services, Kilkenny County Council.