Welcome to our consultation

Dúnta10 Mei, 2015, 01:00 - 2 Iúil, 2015, 01:00
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Kilkenny County Council and LCDC


Kilkenny County Council and the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) for Kilkenny are preparing a Local Economic and Community Plan for the county. 

The aim of this consultation is to give everyone in Kilkenny an opportunity to share views and information on the high level economic and community goals of the plan. 

Submissions are published immediately following moderation, giving you the opportunity to see other people's comments and to share and discuss these while the consultation is open. 

Opposite you will see a list of 9 high level economic goals and 4 high level community goals with some supporting explanations and data, information on the economic context and other additional information. Click through to read these.

To make a submission please follow the 'Make a Submission' link. Please note: you will need to register and logon to make a submission. We would like to hear your views on what actions should be in the plan by 5pm on 30th June 2015.



Re: Overview of Relevant Plans & Strategies
Re: Overview of Relevant Plans & Strategies Section 11 - Kilkenny Age-Friendly Strategy (2009) Please delete 2009 from the heading in the LECP document. It has no relevance. It should be...