3.2 LItter Prevention Actions (In-House)

Dúnta5 Ean, 2018, 9:00am - 2 Fea, 2018, 5:00pm

Litter prevention covers a number of elements. It includes the provision of permanent structures like street litter bins and dog bag dispensers and litter prevention measures undertaken by both Council staff and commnity volunteers.  This section focuses on litter prevention activities under Council control.

Table 3.2 Litter Prevention Actions (In-House)





Completion Date


Technical Council staff preparing all tenders for ground works will have regard for litter control pre and post ground works



Parks Department to integrate litter control measures into all tenders regarding grass cutting



Review the internal co-ordination of the issuing of temporary signage licences to improve efficiencies both regarding the granting of licences and issuing of fines. (Ref. Appendix 1 for summary of temporary signage policy)



Review number, use & locations of current dog fouling bag dispensers. Determine if the pilot Urlingford dog fouling bin project is suitable to be rolled out elsewhere where street bins are infrequent.



Review the number, condition and location of existing street litter bins county wide & establish a multi annual capital programme to fund a county wide litter bin upgrade schedule



Establish a multi annual capital programme to fund the re-branding of the bottle bank network to improve their aesthetics.



The Environment Section to continue to develop and promote campaigns to discourage single use items like disposable coffee cups and water bottles. Ref. Appendix 2 for a sample of waste prevention projects.



Investigate the potential use of technology like bin sensors to assist in identifying problem areas



Urlingford Anti Dog Fouling Project March 2016

















Community representatives came together to decrease the incidences of dog fouling in their town. They manufactured their own unique dog fouling boxes and partnered with Kilkenny County Council to install them along amenity walking routes. This was coupled with a local awareness campaign involving the local primary school and included anti dog fouling messages stencilled on to pavements at known dog fouling hot spots.


Supporting Policy

  • New litter bin locations will be only considered after a fully financed capital maintenance programme is put in place and after all existing litter bins requiring upgrading is completed.
  • Replacement litter bins to have small portholes with an appropriate lid.
  • Litter bins present in older housing estates will be phased out when they become no longer fit for purpose.
  • The Environment Section will continue to work with the Southern Waste Regional Office and the EPA’s Local Authority Waste Prevention Network (LAPN) to develop programmes to decrease single use items that can become strewn litter.
  • The Council will determine the communities that require more practical support to consolidate community’s litter control activities.

  • Dog bag dispensers will be considered in high footfall amenity areas where litter bins are present.

  • Throughout the period of the plan, advances in technology will be reviewed to determine if emerging technology can be deployed to assist the Council in litter prevention.