- Baile
- Comhairliúcháin
- Kilkenny City and County Draft Development Plan 2021-2027
- 10.1.1 Background
10.1.1 Background
10.1.1 Background
Water distribution input in the county has amounted to 27,166 m3 per day over 365 days, amounting to 9,915,500 m3 of potable water per year. Given the losses on the network, a far greater production is however required to meet the future demand. Wastewater in similar quantities is disposed of back to the environment.
Irish Water was incorporated in July 2013, as a company under the Water Services Act 2013. Irish Water took on the operation of the assets through Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with all initial 34 local authorities who continue to provide day to day operations. Irish Water now brings the water and wastewater services of the 31 local authorities (after amalgamation of the previous 34) together under one national service provider. From the 1st January, 2014, Irish Water became responsible for all public water services, involving the supply of drinking water and the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater.
Irish Water’s primary function is to provide public water and wastewater services nationally. In providing these services Irish Water plays a central role in enabling economic growth, protecting both the environment and the health and safety of the population of the county. Irish Water also took over responsibility for planning and managing capital projects.
Potential challenges to the future provision of services include the effects of climate change such as flooding or periods of drought which would have impacts on drinking water, water quality, foul drainage and wastewater. The protection of our water resources is of fundamental importance as it is directly related to our health, well-being and ultimately our quality of life.
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