5.3 Strategic Locations for Enterprise and Employment
5.3 Strategic Locations for Enterprise and Employment
A targeted evidence-based Plan led approach has been applied to identify a number of strategically important sites intended to attract specific employment sectors based on a number of variables such as; the strategic location of the sites within the County; the proximity of the sites to a critical mass of skilled workers and public transport and the level of critical infrastructure provision at each location. Within County Kilkenny there are two nationally and regionally important strategic locations for enterprise and employment. These are Kilkenny City and Belview Port[1] within the Waterford Metropolitan area which is in County Kilkenny. At a level below that, the four District Towns play an important role providing for local employment for their catchments and as drivers of development within the county.
This locational strategy of employment centres will help ensure a sustainable pattern of economic development across the county in both urban and rural areas. Strong quality of life and place-making attributes are critical components of the economic strategy, especially in attracting inward investment. The Government’s ‘Enterprise 2025 Strategy’ highlights the importance of placemaking, noting that: “…investment in the creation of ‘place’ is key to realising regional potential. Companies are attracted to invest in locations where they can access skills, where people will want to live and work and where the surrounding infrastructures are supportive of business investment and for people to live and work”[2].
Kilkenny City, as a strategic location for economic development, is addressed in detail in Volume 2.
See Volume 2 Section 3 Economic & Retail Strategy