11.6.9 Energy recovery from Waste

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00


11.6.9 Energy Recovery from Waste

As our need for energy increases, the recovery of energy trapped in waste materials can benefit the environment by replacing energy from non-renewable sources.  Even after extensive recycling, the residual waste stream still has a high combustible content available for energy recovery. 

Section 16.4.5 of The Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021, sets out the policies in relation to energy from waste (Thermal Recovery). The Plan takes a National view on thermal recovery and predicts a required additional 300,000 tonnes thermal of recovery capacity for non-hazardous waste and 50,000 tonnes for hazardous wastes nationwide by 2030.  The Plan recognises the need for thermal recovery capacity to be developed specifically for the on-site treatment of industrial process waste and where justifiable the treatment of such waste at merchant thermal recovery facilities. Kilkenny County Council recognises the need to support the development of bioenergy resources.

The Council will support and encourage the development of the bioenergy sector and facilitate its development for energy production, heat storage and distribution, subject to compliance with normal planning and environmental criteria and development management requirements.

In urban areas, Kilkenny County Council will support plants for the sustainable production of bioenergy, storage of heat and distribution of gas and electricity on brownfields sites within or adjacent to existing industrial areas or on lands zoned for future industrial use. Plants shall be located close to the point of demand and public roads shall have sufficient capacity to absorb any traffic generated by the plant. In rural areas, Kilkenny County Council will consider proposals for small scale developments on brownfields sites or within farm complexes close to the source material where public roads have sufficient capacity to absorb any traffic generated by the plant.

The Council will support and encourage the development of Biomass District Heating and facilitate its development for energy production, heat storage and distribution, subject to compliance with normal planning and environmental criteria and the development management requirements.

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