9.2.4 Geological Heritage

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 9:00am - 12 Már, 2021, 5:00pm
9.2.4 Geological Heritage

The Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) has assessed the geological heritage of County Kilkenny and identified sites of geological and geomorphological importance, and recommended their protection as County Geological Sites[1] (See Appendix D).  Some of these sites may in future be designated by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the GSI as Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) because of their geological interest from a national perspective.  In the interim, the Council will seek to maintain the geological value of these sites and to protect, and where appropriate, enhance their geological and geomorphological heritage values.  The locations of the sites are shown on Figure 9.1.   

The Council will consult the Geological Survey of Ireland when considering undertaking, approving or authorising developments which are likely to affect County Geological Sites and encourage and promote access to geological and geomorphological features. 

Development Management Requirements:

  • Require all new developments in the early pre-planning stage of the planning process to identify, protect and enhance ecological features by making provision for local biodiversity (e.g. through provision of swift boxes, bat roost sites, green roofs, etc.) and provide links to the wider Green Infrastructure network as an essential part of the design process.


[1] Clarke, A., Parkes, M. & Gatley, S. 2007. The Geological Heritage of Kilkenny. An audit of County Geological Sites in Kilkenny. Geological Survey of Ireland. Unpublished Report.


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