Appendix A Retail Strategy (City and County)
Appendix B Housing Strategy (City and County)
Appendix C Recreational Walking Trails and Public Rights of Way (City and County)
Appendix D County Geological Sites (City and County)
Appendix E Tree Preservation Orders (County only)
Appendix F Survey of Mature Trees (City only)
Appendix G List of Native Trees & Shrubs (City and County)
Appendix H Protected Views and Prospects (County only, City in text)
Appendix I Record of Protected Structures (County only)
Appendix J Record of Protected Structures (City only)
Appendix K Wind Energy Development Strategy (City and County)
Appendix L Statement outlining compliance with Ministerial Guidelines (City and County)
Appendix M Key Development Plan Objectives (City and County)
*PDF versions of the Appendices is found under the Materials heading