12.5.2 Workplace Travel Plans

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00
​​​​​​12.5.2 Workplace Travel Plans

Developments which have a large potential impact on trip generation may be required to draw up and implement Workplace Travel Plans (also known as Mobility Management Plans).  Workplace Travel Plans are a mechanism by which developments can manage the mobility needs of their users and work towards reduced car dependency. 

Development for which a Workplace Travel Plan could be applied includes the following:

•             Office

•             Office based industry

•             Other industry

•             Retail (large one-off stores and major town/district centre developments)

•             Retail warehousing

•             Warehousing and distribution

•             Places of education

A Workplace Travel Plan may take the form of a formally published document, which outlines its measures and targets. Alternatively, it may simply evolve over time as different initiatives are piloted.  

Development Management Requirement: 

  • To require Workplace Travel Plans for proposed trip intensive developments and for significant town centre developments where onsite parking cannot be provided on site.

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