10.1.5 Water Conservation

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00
​​​​​​10.1.6 Water Conservation

Irish Water has instigated a major leakage reduction programme with the objective of reducing leakage in key areas of demand, thus mitigating as far as possible existing stresses on supply systems and facilitating new development in these areas.  The leakage reduction programme is active nationwide. Irish Water and the Council will continue to monitor the performance of the networks to ensure that the most urgent works are prioritised as required. 

Irish Water and Kilkenny County Council are continually progressing leakage reduction activities, mains rehabilitation activities and capital maintenance activities.  There have been find and fix and Demand Management Area (DMA) establishment and rationalisation programmes progressed on the Kilkenny City water networks over the past number of years to improve the reliability of the network and reduce leakage. Kilkenny County Council has significantly reduced water distribution input from 33,000m3 /day in 2010 to the current figure of 27,166m3 /day which is a reduction of 18%.

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