7.5.2 Development Management Requirements
Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00
7.5.2 Development Management Requirements:
The Council will have regard to the following:
- Quarries and Ancillary Activities, Guidelines for Planning Authorities[1],
- the ICF Environmental Code[2]
- Environmental Management Guidelines, Environmental Management in the Extractive Industry[3].
- Undertaking non-energy extractive activities in accordance with Natura 2000 requirements.
- NPWS Guidelines for the protection of Biodiversity within the Extractive Industry and the GSI’s Geological Heritage Guidelines for the Extractive Industry.
- The Archaeological Code of Practice agreed between the ICF and the National Monuments Division in Section 6.4.2 Development Management Requirements.
- The Council will require adherence to the EPA Guidelines- Environmental Management in the Extractive Industry as a standard for the extractive industry in Kilkenny.
The Council will ensure that all existing workings shall be rehabilitated and that all future extraction activities will allow for the rehabilitation of pits and proper land use management.
- The Council may require that development is phased and that each phase is rehabilitated before the next phase is developed/commenced;
- The Council shall require applicants to submit a restoration programme with their application on the manner and timing of restoration;
- The Council will consider the current land/quarry resource of the applicant and may seek that current quarries are restored before new sites are developed.
- The Council will seek to minimise environmental and other impacts of mineral extraction through rigorous application of licensing, development control and enforcement requirements for quarry and other associated developments including, but not limited to, consideration of visual impacts, methods of extraction, noise levels, dust prevention, protection of ground and surface waters, impacts on residential and other amenities, impacts on the road network (particularly with regard to making good any damage to roads), road safety, phasing, re-instatement and landscaping of worked sites.
- The Council will ensure that any extractive development does not significantly impact on existing public rights of way, walking routes, or tourist or recreational activities.
- The Council will consider the current land/quarry resource of the applicant and may seek that current quarries are restored before new sites are developed.
[1] Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Quarries and Ancillary Activities, Guidelines for Planning Authorities, 2004
[2] Irish Concrete Federation, Environmental Code, 2005