13.26 service Stations

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00

13.26 Service Stations

The role of service stations has evolved over the years with the expansion into small scale retail and rest/food areas from merely selling fuel. Ancillary uses may include tyre repair, collection points for online retail activity and self-service launderettes.

In assessing planning applications for new or redeveloped service stations, the following considerations will be considered

  • All new petrol stations and refurbished existing stations will require a high standard of design and layout. The forecourt canopy should be integrated into the overall design and sited so that it does not dominate the surrounding buildings.
  • Rapid EV charging point(s) will be required and to be clearly demarcated with appropriate signage, in line with the Climate Mitigation strategy on electric vehicles.
  • Petrol stations will not generally be permitted in residential areas, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that no significant damage to residential amenities will occur by reason of factors such as noise, visual obtrusion, safety considerations or fumes and smells.  Consideration may also be given to the limiting of the hours of operation of petrol stations in these circumstances.  Car washing facilities should be sited so as not to interfere with residential amenities.
  • Any application for a new petrol filling station should provide sufficient road frontage, clear visibility, two points of access, sanitary convenience for public use
  • Landscaping and suitable screening shall be required to protect the amenity of the surrounding area and enhance the appearance of the development
  • In rural areas petrol stations will not be permitted where they will have a detrimental impact on the surrounding views and prospects, scenery or general amenities.
  • Signs should be limited in number and design and located so as to generally form part of the buildings or other structures on site. The placing of signs of any description on footpaths, grass verges or any part of a public roadway will not be permitted. In certain circumstances and depending on the location, the use of standard corporate designs and signage for petrol stations may not be acceptable
  • Forecourt lighting, including canopy lighting, should be limited to that which is necessary for the safe operation of a petrol station and should not interfere with the amenities of adjoining premises
  • The sale of goods from a petrol station may only be permitted as an ancillary small-scale facility which would remain secondary to the use as a petrol filling station where it would not adversely affect local amenities. As per the Retail Planning Guidelines (DECLG, 2012), the petrol/filling station shops floorspace cap is 100m2 net.  Planning applications for the provision of such shops shall be specifically applied for.
  • Parking bays/aisles must be located so as to minimise pedestrian/vehicular conflict.

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