12.5.1 Cycling Objectives
12.5.1 Cycling Objectives
12H To compile a Cycling Strategy for the County
12I To develop a network of cycling and pedestrian routes within Kilkenny city to provide connectivity and provide an alternative to car-based transport[1].
12J To develop a cycle route between the Eastern Environs and the Breagagh Valley.
12K To investigate the provision of a cycle route along the River Nore Linear Park connecting north of the City with the east and south of the City.
12L To improve cycling infrastructure throughout the city in accordance with the recommendations of the Kilkenny Local Area Transport Plan as resources permit.
12M To reduce the Council’s carbon footprint through the implementation of the Council’s own cycle scheme, which will encourage staff members to discharge their official duties in a more sustainable way.
12N To carry out an appraisal of each of the District Towns to determine measures to facilitate cycling and walking and improve connectivity within the town particularly from an age friendly perspective.
12O To invest in cycling and other smarter travel projects in support of the compact ‘10-minute city’ concept
12P To provide connections to the Kilkenny Greenway to settlements along its route as the need arises and resources permit
Development Management Requirements
Require planning applications to demonstrate the development proposal’s accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists. Planning applications for residential/commercial or mixed-use developments need to:
- Demonstrate detailed layouts and design which reflect the importance of walking and cycling by providing safe and direct access to local services and public transport nodes.
- Demonstrate how walking and cycling is integrated with open space provision.
- Demonstrate that the proposal is easily accessible to pedestrians and cyclists alike with the layouts displaying high internal pedestrian and cyclist permeability.
- Show a high quality of internal routes which are safe, secure and convenient for users.
- Require that adequate covered facilities for the secure parking of bicycles are provided at convenient locations close to building entrances in order to encourage cycling. The number of bicycle parking spaces required will be in accordance with Table 12.2 below.
- Require a full range of facilities for cyclists and pedestrians such as showers and lockers in new retail/employment developments, where the cycle parking requirements exceed 5 spaces.
Table 12.2: Bicycle parking requirements |
Land Use |
Bicycle Parking Requirement GFA = gross floor area |
Residential |
Apartment, Townhouse |
1 space per bedroom[2] and 1 visitor space per 2 apartments |
Student Accommodation/Residential schools, colleges or training centre |
1 space per bedroom and 1 visitor space per 5 bed spaces |
Guest Houses and Hotels |
1 space per 10 bedrooms and 1 space for every 5 members of staff |
Nursing Homes |
1 visitor space for every 10 residents and 1 space for every 5 members of staff |
Retirement Homes/Sheltered Accommodation |
1 visitor space for every 6 residents and 1 space for every 5 members of staff |
Hostels |
1 space per 5 beds |
Hospital |
To be determined by Planning Authority |
Retail |
Convenience |
1 space per 150sq m GFA |
Shopping Centre |
1 space per 300sq m GFA |
Non-food Retail |
1 space per 300sq m GFA |
Retail Warehouse |
1 space per 250sq m GFA |
Retail Offices |
1 space per 200sq m GFA |
Food and Drink |
1 space per 50sq m of dining/drinking area |
Employment |
General Offices |
1 space per 50sq m GFA |
Light Industry, Business and Technology |
1 space per 100sq m GFA |
Warehouses and Distribution |
1 space per 200sq m GFA |
Financial and Professional Services |
1 space per 50sq m GFA |
Culture, Leisure and Sports Use |
Cinema/Theatre |
1 space for every 5 members of staff and 1 space per 30 seats |
Museums, Exhibition Venues |
1 space for every 5 members of staff. Visitors spaces to be determined by Planning Authority |
Sports/Fitness Centre including Swimming Baths |
1 space for every 50sq m net floor area or 1 space for every 30sq m of pool area and 1 space for every 30 seats provided for spectators |
Non-Residential Institutions |
Place of Worship, public halls and community centres |
1 space per 20 persons |
Primary schools |
Cycle spaces to be provided for 20% of children and 1 space for every 5 members of staff |
Post primary schools |
Cycle spaces to be provided for 33% of children and 1 space for every 5 members of staff |
Further and Higher Education |
1 space per 5 members of staff and 1 space for every 4 students |
Creches |
1 space for every 5 members of staff and 1 space for 20 children |
Clinics/Surgeries |
1 space for every 5 members of staff and 0.5 spaces per consulting room |
In the case of any use not specified above, the Council will determine the bicycle parking requirements, having regard to the likely trip generation of the development. Where a number of uses are contained within one development, and the applicant can demonstrate that parking spaces will be utilised throughout the day by a number of different users, the Council may take this into account when assessing the spaces required.
In general, bicycle parking facilities should be within 25m of a destination for short term parking (shops) and 50m for long term parking (offices, schools etc). Cycle stands should generally be protected from the weather, in particular all long term (more than 3 hours) cycle stands.
[1] Transport within Kilkenny city will be addressed in more detail in Vol2 of the plan which will deal exclusively with policies for the Kilkenny city area
[2] For studio units, at least 1 cycle storage space shall be provided. Design Standards for new Apartments- Guideline for Planning Authorities 2018