12.6 Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00

​​​​​​12.6 Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy

Regional Planning Objective 164 and Waterford MASP Policy objective 6(a) aims to develop a Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (WMATS) for the Waterford Metropolitan Area with the NTA, TII, Local Authorities and the relevant stakeholders, integrating priorities for the Metropolitan Area identified by the RSES and support investments in actions under this strategy.  Kilkenny County Council supports this aim of the RSES and will facilitate the improved integration of the Ferrybank Area of the MASP into the Waterford Metropolitan Transport Area whilst adhering to the principles of the concentric city model.

The Transport Strategy will see the development of sustainable travel options to support and facilitate improved access to the Waterford City Centre, from the wider urban area, north and south of the river by walking, cycling and public transport including provision for Park and Ride facilities in tandem with the Green Route, and additional cycle lanes.

MASP Objective:

12Q        To, in combination with Waterford City and County Council, the NTA, TII and other stakeholders, undertake a Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy in accordance with Waterford MASP Objectives 6(a) and 6(b), covering the Waterford MASP area of County Kilkenny and to implement the adopted strategy to guide investment priorities in accordance with Waterford MASP Objectives 3.

12R         Support the improved regional connectivity of Kilkenny with Waterford and the South East Region generally through the development and maintenance of Strategic Transport Infrastructure in accordance with Waterford MASP Objective 7 and to prioritise transport investment accordingly.

12S         Develop the Link Road from the Abbey Road to the Belmont Road

12T         To carry out improvements to the Abbey Road from the boundary with Waterford City and County Council to facilitate smarter travel improvements to Abbey Road and connect to the Link Road in objective 12S above

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