2.4.1 Core Strategy

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00
2.4.1 Core strategy

One of the key Strategic Outcomes of the NPF is the achievement of Compact Growth. Compact and sustainable growth focuses on reusing previously developed “brownfields sites” and building up infill sites which may not have been built on before, particularly in well serviced urban locations served by good transport links and in close proximity to employment opportunities.

A core strategy has been developed to implement the concept of compact growth within the settlement hierarchy of the City and County with policies and objectives to secure the implementation of the provisions of the NPF and RSES and the Climate Action Plan.

It is a strategic aim of the Plan to:

  • Deliver growth in population within the existing built-up footprint of urban areas and improve quality of life within urban and rural areas.
  • Reduce travel distances and provide for greater proximity to employment and services.
  • Facilitate more journeys by bike or on foot; and greater urban density, that in turn will support more viable public transport options.
  • Providing for appropriate land use policies to deliver development in a compact form resulting in development at sustainable locations with inherent climate resilience.

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