10.2.5 Pollution Control Development Management Requirements

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
10.2.5 Pollution Control Development Management Requirements:
  • To ensure that developments which are subject to the requirements of the Air Pollution Act 1987 and Air Pollution (Licensing of Industrial Plant) Regulations 1988 or any subsequent regulations meet appropriate emission standards and other relevant national and international standards.
  • To seek to minimise noise and dust through the planning process by ensuring that the design of developments incorporate measures to prevent or mitigate the transmission of dust, noise and vibration, where appropriate. 
  • To ensure that that appropriate mitigation measures to counter noise impact are implemented at all new developments to limit exposure to high noise areas.
  • Ensure that traffic noise levels are considered as part of all new developments along National routes, major roads (as identified in the Noise Action Plan) and rail lines. This includes, but is not limited to, consulting with the current Noise Action Plan and strategic noise maps as identification of areas that are within the subject criteria of the Regulations for noise exposure. Future developments are required to take account of designated quiet areas as in accordance with the Noise Action Plan 2019-2023.  Any development near a designated quiet area will be subject to additional scrutiny so as to ensure that the quiet area is not impacted, and may be prohibited in certain cases.
  • To ensure that lighting is carefully and sensitively designed
  • To require that the design of external lighting minimises the incidence of light spillage or pollution into the surrounding environment.

