13.14 Home Based Economic Activities

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

​​​​​​13.14 Home Based Economic Activities

With the rollout of Broadband across the County, the possibility to work at home will become a realistic option for people. The Council recognises that such working arrangements can benefit individuals, families and the local community in addition to contributing to more sustainable land use patterns by reducing the need for commuting. It is the policy of the Planning Authority to accommodate home based activities where they will not impact on the general residential amenity of the area. Home-based activities are defined as small-scale commercial activities, which are secondary to the use of the premises as a residence.  They are permitted where the primary use of the dwelling remains residential and where the amenity of surrounding residences is not adversely affected. The planning authority, in considering applications for such uses, will consider the following:

  • The nature and extent of the work;
  • The effects on the amenities of adjoining properties particularly as regards hours of operation, noise and general disturbance;
  • The anticipated levels of traffic generation; and
  • The generation, storage and collection of waste.

Over the counter services, business signage, advertising hoardings, security gates/grills and excessive security lights are not normally appropriate in a residential area and should be subject to appropriate restrictions.  The local authority may grant a temporary permission of two/three years for home-based economic activities to facilitate on-going monitoring of the activity.  However, such use will not normally be permitted in apartments.

