5.4.3 Retail Hierarchy

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
​​​​​5.4.3 Retail Hierarchy

As expected, Kilkenny City sits at the top of the hierarchy as a major town centre/key/ county town. Ferrybank is included at the second tier as a district centre, the tier above the remaining District Towns of Callan, Castlecomer, Graiguenamanagh and Thomastown.

Tiers 4 and 5 are comprised of neighbourhood centres (defined) and small town/village centre/rural areas[1].

Table 5.3 Retail Hierarchy

Level/Retail Function


Level 1

Kilkenny City

Level 2

District Centre

Ferrybank District Centre

Level 3

District/sub county town





Level 4 Neighbourhood Centre

As designated for Kilkenny City & Environs

(Newpark, Loughboy, Loughmacask, Western

Environs) and Ferrybank/Belview area in

the Environs of Waterford City (Ross Abbey)

Level 5 Small Town/village centre/Rural Area

Smaller towns and villages and nodes within the county.



[1] A detailed evaluation was carried out as part of the County’s Retail Strategy Review, see Appendix A

