10.2.8 Development Management Requirements

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
10.2.8 Development Management Requirements:
  • Development must, so far as is reasonably practicable, incorporate the maximum provision to reduce the rate and quantity of runoff e.g.: -
    • Hard surface areas (car parks, etc.), should be constructed in permeable or semi-permeable materials,
    • On site storm water ponds to store and/or attenuate additional runoff from the development should be provided,
    • Soak-aways or french drains should be provided to increase infiltration and minimise additional runoff.
    • The Planning Authority will normally require that all new developments, include rainwater harvesting and/or grey water recycling in their design. except where not practical or feasible
  • Individual developments shall be obliged, in all cases where surface water drainage measures are required, to provide a surface water drainage system separated from the foul drainage system.
  • In the case of one-off rural dwellings or extensions, except in circumstances where an existing surface water drainage system is available to the proposed site for development and which, in the opinion of the planning authority has adequate capacity to accommodate the identified surface water loading, surface water shall be disposed of, in its entirety within the curtilage of the development site by way of suitably sized soak holes. 
  • In the case of driveways, drainage measures shall be provided to a detail acceptable to the planning authority so as to avoid run-off from the site to the adjoining public road.
  • For all other green-field developments in general the limitation of surface water run-off to pre-development levels will be required.  Where a developer can clearly demonstrate that capacity exists to accommodate run-off levels in excess of green-field levels then the planning authority shall consider such proposals on a case by case basis.
  • In the case of brown-field development, while existing surface water drainage measures will be taken into account, some attenuation measures for surface water may be required at the discretion of the planning authority in the interests of balanced and sustainable development.
  • In line with the above Kilkenny County Council will consider all drainage proposals consistent with SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems).
  • For developments adjacent to watercourses of a significant conveyance capacity any structures (including hard landscaping) must be set back a minimum of 5-10m from the edge of the watercourse to allow access for channel clearing/maintenance. Any required setback may be increased to provide for habitat protection. Development consisting of construction of embankments, wide bridge piers, or similar structures will not normally be permitted in or across flood plains or river channels.
  • All new development must be designed and constructed to meet the following minimum flood design standards:-
    • Where streams open drains or other watercourses are being culverted - the minimum permissible culvert diameter is 900mm. (Access should be provided for maintenance as appropriate.)
  • adequate allowance be made for climate change in designing surface water proposals a multiplication factor of 1.2 shall be applied to all river return periods up to 100 years except in circumstances where the OPW have provided advice specifying the particular multiplication factor for return periods up to 100 years.  In the case of rainfall a multiplication factor of 1.1 shall be applied to rainfall intensities to make allowance for climate change requirements.
  • In the design of surface water systems, regard shall be had to the Greater Dublin Regional Code of Practice for Drainage Works[1] and associated GDSDS technical documents.


[1][1] Greater Dublin Local Authorities, Greater Dublin Regional Code of Practice for Drainage Works, 2006

