6.13.2 Primary and Post Primary

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
6.13.2 Primary and Post Primary

Census 2016 results show that the County’s population increased by 3,813 from 2011 (4%) to 99,232 persons.  It is notable that persons in the 0-14 age cohorts has also increased, which has implications for the need for educational facilities. The 2016 Census recorded similar results for Kilkenny City, the level of population increased by 8.52% to 26,512 persons, which was an increase of 2,083 since 2011. The age cohort of 0-14 increased by 488 persons (10%) during this intercensal period. 

Decisions on the future requirements for educational facilities are primarily a matter for the Educational Authorities.  However, the Provision of Schools and the Planning System, A Code of Practice for Planning Authorities[1] outlines that the planning system plays a critical role in anticipating future development and co-coordinating the provision of the essential supporting infrastructure such as transport, water services, schools, amenity and community facilities.

The primary role of the Council is to reserve sufficient land within the identified development centres to meet likely future demands for community facilities including education. The provision of educational facilities should be planned and implemented in concert with residential development.  In accordance with Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas[2] no significant residential development should proceed without an assessment of the capacity of existing schools or the provision of new school facilities in tandem with the development.  The Council will continue to liaise with the Department of Education and Skills, and all providers of education, to assist in the development of adequate education centres.

Where new schools are required, they should be located close to, or within, the main residential areas of the village or town so that as many children/students as possible can walk or cycle to school.  The opportunity should be taken to locate the schools so that they naturally contribute to the development of a sense of community in new neighbourhoods. Where possible, these schools should be served by a dedicated and safe footpath and cycle-way network.

In Kilkenny City, new schools are planned in the emerging neighbourhoods of the Breagagh Valley and Loughmacask.  Two new secondary schools are currently at design stage as part of the development of the Breagagh Valley neighbourhood (See Volume 2, Chapter 6 ).  A site has also been reserved for a new primary school at this location.

In the Loughmacask neighbourhood, a site has been reserved for a new secondary school to facilitate the relocation of the CBS secondary school from James’s street.


6M         To identify and facilitate the provision of suitable sites for new educational facilities as the need arises throughout the City and County Dual Use of School Buildings

Schools and other educational premises represent a valuable resource in terms of land and buildings, which generally is only used on a partial basis. The dual use of educational facilities, where it does not conflict with the delivery of the education service (i.e. outside school hours and during school holidays) can contribute to meeting the wider needs of the community, by helping to satisfy demand for a variety of activities.

Where lands and buildings can be beneficially used by the community, the Council will promote such uses.  Where new schools or community facilities are proposed, opportunities will be sought to ensure that they are designed in such a way as to facilitate multi-use of the buildings.

