7.8.2 Analysis of Rural housing Demand in the County

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
​​​​​​7.8.2 Analysis of Rural Housing demand in the County

The population of the county increased by 4% (3,813) during the last intercensal period (2011 -2016), with the state average at 3.78%.  Notwithstanding the financial crisis which arose in the late noughties and which carried over well into the current development plan, the number of single rural house applications granted over the period 2014- June 2020, was 946.

Planning applications have rebounded as the country emerged from the financial crisis and this is reflected an increasing rural housing demand. However, certain areas have been shown to be more attractive, particularly around the major urban centres such as Kilkenny City and Waterford City area, the District towns, New Ross and Carrick on Suir.  The rural housing strategy map (Figure 7.1) analyses this in more detail and quantifies the commuting patterns from rural areas to these urban centres.

In accordance with National Policy Objective 19, the future focus will continue to be on the facilitation of single houses in the countryside, based on the Core considerations of demonstrable economic or social need to live in a rural area and the siting and design criteria for rural housing, whilst having regard to the viability of the smaller towns and rural settlements. It will continue to be necessary to demonstrate a functional Economic and/or Social need to live in the commuter catchment of large towns and cities, including Kilkenny City and Waterford City. Outside these catchment areas, a more flexible approach will be based primarily on siting and design. Therefore, the thrust of the existing rural housing policy, with slight variations, will be retained. The changes reflect appropriate responses to changes in housing demand over the period of the previous plan.

