13.13.6 Waste Storage Facilities at Apartments

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
13.13.6 Waste Storage Facilities at Apartments

The following general design considerations should be considered in the provision of refuse storage facilities at apartments:

  • Sufficient communal storage area to satisfy the three-bin system for the collection of mixed dry recyclables, organic waste and residual waste;
  • In larger apartment schemes, consideration should also be given to the provision of separate collection facilities for other recyclables such as glass and plastics;
  • Waste storage areas must be adequately ventilated so as to minimise odours and potential nuisance from vermin/flies and taking account the avoidance of nuisance for habitable rooms nearby;
  • Provision in the layout for sufficient access for waste collectors, proximity of, or ease of access to, waste storage areas from individual apartments, including access by disabled people;
  • Waste storage areas should not present any safety risks to users and should be well-lit;
  • Waste storage areas should not be on the public street, and should not be visible to or accessible by the general public. Appropriate visual screening should be provided, particularly in the vicinity of apartment buildings;
  • Waste storage areas in basement car parks should be avoided where possible, but where provided, must ensure adequate manoeuvring space for collection vehicles;
  • The capacity for washing down waste storage areas, with wastewater discharging to the sewer.

