9.5 Arts and Cultural Development

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

​​​​​9.5 Arts and Cultural Development

Kilkenny City and County has an extensive, illustrious and spirited tradition within the arts.  The arts continue to be a significant ingredient largely contributing to the progression of the social, cultural, creative, economic and political future of Kilkenny.  The Kilkenny County Council Cultural Strategy[1] provides a framework for the delivery of the Arts, Heritage and Library Services of Kilkenny County Council from 2018 to 2022.  It replaces the former Arts Plan.

Cultural development is seen as an integral part of the overall development of the county.  The culture of a county, city or town is one of the crucial aspects which distinguish it from other counties or cities and the capacity to regenerate communities and a claim to the world’s attention and investment is very much based on the county’s cultural offerings.  Cultural development creates cultural heritage.

Kilkenny County Council’s Arts Office works to develop, co-ordinate, motivate, inspire and empower artistic activity throughout the city and county.  The office promotes the arts as a worthwhile activity for all, providing advice and support for groups and individuals, and works to strengthen Kilkenny’s position as a centre of excellence for the arts and ensure a successful and prosperous arts environment.  The Council works to ensure that there is continued support in this sector, not simply for its intrinsic value, but as a driver of major economic development.


[1] Kilkenny County Council, Kilkenny County Council Cultural Strategy 2018-2022



Arts & Culture update
9.5 Arts and Cultural Development Add Kilkenny’s culture and creativity are what makes Kilkenny unique, what gives it special character and its sense of place. Kilkenny County Council...