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- Kilkenny City and County Draft Development Plan 2021-2027
- 7.8.5 Refurbishment and Replacement of Dwellings in Rural Areas
7.8.5 Refurbishment and Replacement of Dwellings in Rural Areas
7.8.5 Refurbishment and Replacement Dwellings in rural areas
The Council will encourage and facilitate the appropriate refurbishment of existing housing stock and other structures in rural areas and in certain limited cases the replacement of existing dwellings subject to the criteria outlined below.
Development Management Requirements:
- For refurbishment of structures the emphasis should be on the retention, refurbishment and reuse of the structure as part of the development proposal.
- For refurbishment the scale and architectural treatment of proposed works should be sympathetic to the character of the original structure and the surrounding area including adjoining or nearby development.
- In the case of replacement dwellings, to require proof that the original structure was last used as a dwelling and was a habitable dwelling so as not to invoke the policies under Section 7.8.3 Rural Housing Policies.
- In cases where retention or reuse of the existing dwelling is not technically feasible, the size and scale of any replacement dwelling should reflect the site’s characteristics and context and shall accord with best practice in rural house design.
Where an original structure was not habitable, if an applicant can demonstrate that their proposals will ensure the sensitive restoration of vernacular and traditional buildings in the rural area, thereby respecting and maintaining the integrity and scale of the original building, and does not compromise any other development management considerations, such proposals shall not be subject to the policies in Section 7.8.3 Rural Housing Policies that applies to new dwellings (see also Section 9.3.6 Vernacular Built Heritage).
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