12.3.2 Objectives for Integration of Land Use and Transport

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
12.3.2 Objectives for the Integration of Land Use and Transport

12A        To plan for a sustainable, integrated and low carbon transport system by enhancing the existing transport infrastructure in terms of road, bus, rail, cycling and pedestrian facilities and interfacing different modes as the opportunity arises.

12B        To plan for a transition towards sustainable and low carbon transport modes, through the promotion of alternative modes of transport, and ‘walkable communities’ together with promotion of compact urban forms close to public transport corridors to encourage more sustainable patterns of movement in all settlements.

12C        To undertake appropriate traffic management measures within the City and County to reduce congestion and minimise travel times.

12D        To develop a 10-minute city framework for Kilkenny City to map and identify infrastructural requirements to support the ‘10 minute’ city

Development Management Requirements:

  • All non-residential development proposals will be subject to maximum parking standards as a limitation to restrict parking provision to achieve greater modal shift;
  • In locations where the highest intensity of development occurs, an approach that’s based on performance criteria in relation to car parking that seeks to achieve well-designed high-quality outcomes in order to achieve targeted growth will be applied.
  • Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles will be integrated into developments;
  • The design of all roads and streets within the urban areas, including suburbs, towns and villages within the 60 kph zone shall be as per the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets, being the designated appropriate road design standards for such locations.
  • Applications are to achieve a more place-based and integrated approach to road and street design in accordance with the four core principles promoted within the DMURS:
    • Connected Networks: Support the creation of integrated street networks which promote higher levels of permeability and legibility for all users, and with emphasis on more sustainable forms of transport;
    • Multi-Functional Streets: Promote multi-functional, place-based streets that balance the needs of all users within a self-regulating environment;
    • Pedestrian Focus: Quality of the street is measured by the quality of the environment user hierarchy with pedestrian considered first; and
    • Multi-Disciplinary Approach: Greater communication and co-operation between design professionals through the promotion of a plan-led, multidisciplinary approach to design.

