9.6 Library Service

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

​​​​​​9.6 Library Service

Kilkenny County Council Library Service operates through a branch network of eight libraries.  It is supported by the administrative functions of library headquarters which also provides a local studies service.  The mobile library provides a vital rural service and serves over 50 rural areas. A broad and varied range of digital services are also provided via the library’s website[1].  The Kilkenny County Council Cultural Strategy[2] provides a framework for the delivery of the Arts, Heritage and Library Services of Kilkenny County Council from 2018 to 2022.  It replaces the former Library Plan.

It is Council policy to promote and develop the County Library Service in accordance with the national objectives laid down in the National Strategy – Our Public Libraries 2022 – Inspiring, Connecting and Empowering Communities[3]. This will focus on 3 strategic programmes that reflect the core functions of the library service:

  • Reading and Literacy
  • Information and Learning
  • Community and Culture

It is recognised that the Library Service plays an important role in supporting the educational, digital, learning, cultural, community and informational needs of citizens.  Kilkenny County Library’s mission statement is to provide a quality, accessible service which enhances the lives of the communities of Kilkenny, through the provision of a knowledge resource promoting imagination, lifelong learning and culture.

The delivery of a new City Library at the Mayfair Ballroom in the Abbey Quarter has been approved by the Department and works are due to commence in 2021.  This facility will enhance the range of services and activities that can and will take place in the City library space.  The existing City (Carnegie) library, is strategically located and is a very significant building for Kilkenny City and therefore will remain in use for library services including the relocation of the library headquarters and Local Section. The relocation of the Local Studies will provide greater public access and attract greater usage and interest in this area.

The Thomastown and Callan libraries have been earmarked for redevelopment. Suitable solutions will be examined during the period of this Plan.  The Council will continue to support the development of library services and the implementation of the objectives and actions as set out in the County Kilkenny Cultural Strategy Arts, Heritage and Libraries 2018-2022[4] to support the library to provide a multi-faceted service which can play a vital role in the lives of individuals and their communities.


9O          To progress and achieve completion of a City Library for Kilkenny City at the Mayfair ballroom.

9P           Investigate and examine the redevelopment of library services in Thomastown and Callan.


[1] https://www.kilkennylibrary.ie/eng/

[2] Kilkenny County Council, Kilkenny County Council Cultural Strategy 2018-2022


[4] https://kilkennyheritage.ie/2018/09/creative-kilkenny-culture-creativity-strategy-2018-2022-2/

